Excel University Students may choose from any of the courses listed below.
The courses are arranged in Course Groups to assist the student in course selection.
Course Groups vary from Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral Programmes.
For more courses please see our Home Page to view and apply for our Popular Courses or email us for our prospectus to apply for more courses.
Click on required PAY BUTTON to SELECT required COURSE from course title below to apply and pay for the course.
3 months £350
Excel Leadership-ology Certificate
Excel Theology & Ministry Certificate
Excel Worship-ology Certificate
Excel Prophet-ology Certificate
Excel Business-ology Certificate
Excel Biblical Counselling Certificate
3 months Registration for Excel University Certificate Course
5 months – £550
Excel Leadership-ology Diploma
Excel Theology & Ministry Diploma
Excel Worship-ology Diploma
Excel Prophet-ology Diploma
Excel Business-ology Diploma
Excel Biblical Counselling Diploma
5 months Registration for Excel University Diploma Course
12 months – £1,200
Excel Leadership-ology Bachelors
Excel Theology & Ministry Bachelors
Excel Worship-ology Bachelors
Excel Prophet-ology Bachelors
Excel Business-ology Bachelors
12 months Registration for Excel University Bachelors Course
12 months – £1,500
Excel Leadership-ology Masters or Doctoral
Excel Theology & Ministry Masters or Doctoral
Excel Worship-ology Masters or Doctoral
Excel Prophet-ology Masters or Doctoral
Excel Business-ology Masters or Doctoral
12 months Registration for Excel University Masters or Doctoral Course
Standard Application Enrolment Fee – £55
This payment is for course registration which is NON REFUNDABLE application fee.
Masters or Doctorate Application Enrolment Fee – £115
This payment is for course registration which is NON REFUNDABLE application fee.